I can no longer pass a chair without sitting down. Not because I'm tired, but because I can now sit in any chair I darn well please. Prior to weight-loss, I had to have a team of engineers review each possible sitting apparatus for structural soundness and to make sure it would support my considerable girth. Now I see a chair, I sit in it. With God as my witness, last week in Bass Pro Shops I sat in a chair that I'm pretty sure was part of some display. But I had to sit in it because it was "THEYAH." (lame reference to JFK's reasons to go to the moon...nevermind......)
Occasionally, when walking, I stop to bend over and re-tie my shoe. No other reason than because I CAN. Similarly, I sometimes bend over and just grab my toes and stretch my hamstrings and calves...just for the hell of it.
When in the office, I now park on the far side of the parking deck and walk the LONG sidewalk that goes around the perimeter of the parking deck because I CAN. That habit may change when it's 125 degrees outside...but for now, it's much fun.
This past weekend I went with my bride to lunch to meet an old friend from her youth. Not very long ago I would've stayed sequestered in the house, not wanting anyone to see what she'd married. And I would've missed the opportunity to meet a fascinating individual whose friendship is important to Rhonda and therefore important to me. Similar situation this weekend...she has a reunion to attend and spouses are invited. Again, not long ago I would've been riding the recliner watching "Redneck Wedding" while she went alone. Now it's Monday and I'm picking out what to wear.
Gotta go,,,time to sneak in the neighbor's backyard and try out their new patio chairs....
1 comment:
Time to start picking out a chair for tailgating.....
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