Friday, December 28, 2012

Friday stuff.......

And not just any's the last Friday of 2012.  Seriously, 2013 sounds like Star Trek territory.  Shouldn't we be flying around with rocket packs on our back or visiting our condos on the moon by now?  What am I saying?  Hell, I have to take a Valium to fly Delta....I'd have to be fully sedated to fly NASA.  So I probably wouldn't have a condo on the moon (I've heard the beaches there suck, anyway.)

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles.....
Well this a bit scary......
Not one but TWO rocket launchers (ROCKET LAUNCHERS??)  turned in when during a Los Angeles police department gun buyback.  I know the premise of these gun buybacks is that - with complete anonymity - people turn in weapons.  But I'm thinking we might need to find out who had these in their possession.  One doesn't rob a liquor store with a rocket launcher.  One doesn't jack someone's Honda Civic with a rocket launcher.  People do things like shoot airplanes out of the sky or shoot at government buildings with rocket launchers. 

My mama would say "the devil's getting her room ready...."
Some things just speak for themselves and don't require discussion.  Was the first thing in YOUR mind when you heard about the horror in Connecticut "how can I profit from that?" 

I say let them drop a live possum....
USA Today link.....
Possums are proof that Satan exists.  They are, you see, his spawn.  Only the devil himself could create a creature so foul, so ugly and so useless.   Not sure which bothers me more - their blank, black doll eyes or their filthiness.   Some people's childhood are haunted by visions of ghosts, the boogeyman and other things that go bump in the night.  My childhood was haunted by walking through the kitchen on the way to bed and those black, lifeless eyes peering at me through the screen door while a fat hairy good for nothing possum finished off our cat's food on the back porch.  So I say let the fine folks of Brasstown, North Carolina drop a live possum.  Any possum now alive - I figure - is related to those that haunted my childhood and they all deserve any unpleasantness we can heap upon them.  Satan's spawn, I tell you....

Now that's funny.....
Newt, Newt, Newt..........the never ending source of hilarity....
The former speaker of the house has "Dancing Queen" has his ringtone.  Sometimes you can't think of what to say because there's just too much to say.   I can't quit laughing......

This link may be disturbing to those born in God's country...
Just doing a random search on collard greens and black-eyed peas led me to this travesty.  The article was written in 2009 so I can only hope the creator of this recipe has since found Jesus.  "Inspired by a greek dish..."    Let's just paint a moustache on the Mona Lisa, record a hip-hop version of Handel's "Messiah" and quit singing "Star Spangled Banner" at baseball games.

Still love these guys....

If you're an old Zeppelin fan (and, let's face it, if you're a Zeppelin fan, you're probably me)  do yourself a favor and watch this interview.  In conjuction with their Kennedy Center honors, CBS' "Sunday Morning" show did an interview with Zeppelin.  My favorite quote from the interview was when Anthony Mason asked "You weren't getting any White House invitations then?"  and Robert Plant answered "No...we were being questioned quite often.."

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